I was hoping to get this posted yesterday, but ended up being busy with out last roller hockey game of the regular season. We won 10-3, getting us a bye in the first round of the playoffs. I got four of the goals, one of them being possibly my best goal ever. I found myself in alone from about the red line and I thought I would try something fancy. Well, I ended up doing the "Marek Malik" move between the legs and somehow the puck found it's way through the goalie. Like I said, best goal ever, at least for me ;)
Anyway, instead of putting all of these last seven in with the last post, I figured I'd spread it out a little bit, but these are the rest of the quarter and dime box pickups from the Gibraltar show for this project. I don't usually like to be this repetitive posting-wise, but I wanted to get these out of the way before showing off my Howard pickups from the same show.
This first is this "Moose" from 2001-02 Topps Chrome. These cards tend to not scan very well, but in this case it wasn't an issue becuase you can clearly see the contrast between his black/white/yellow Penguins gear and his blue moose mask.

Next we have another former Penguin, Peter Skudra. This one is from 1997-98 SP Authentic. At first glance, there doesn't seem to be that much of a mismatch because the glove, blocker, and pads are plain black and white. If you look closely, you can see Skudra is still wearing the mask from his timw with the Hamilton Bulldogs.
This next one is another one from the 1996-97 Pinnacle Summit set, featuring Chris Terreri of the Sharks after being traded from the Devils. This is clearly evident by the red seen on both his glove and blocker in this picture.

This one is from 1996-97 Donruss Elite, which is an awesome looking set if you ask me, featuring Jim Carey of the Washington Capitals. This one is here not because of a team change, but because of a jersey change. The Caps went to their new uniforms for the 1996-97 season, but Carey's old red and white gear came along for a little white.
Yet another one from the Pinnacle Summit set, seems to be a common them with this one when it comes to goalie pictures. What I find odd about this one is the fact that Carey is wearing a different mask than in the other one, but neither mask really goes with the revamped Capitals jerseys.

This last one is the perfect example of a set I had never seen or heard of before stumbling across it while searching the dime and quarter boxes. It's from the 1996-96 Parkhurst International set and shows the same mismatch as the first Carey, but stands out a bit more with the Black Diamond-ish background effect going on.

That's it for the Gibraltar show pickups as far as this project goes. Since then I've actually come across two more I want to share, but I'll save those for a little bit later on. Next up will be the Howard stuff I got from the show, so stay tuned for that.
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